Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Code Monkey

Ok, so I'm late to the party (but hey, what's new). Just listened to Jonathan Coulton's Code Monkey for the first time. It's great, but a bit too close to home. Sigh. Code Monkey gonna work now.

Monday, March 03, 2008

New toy ...

So, my old iPod Mini finally bit the dust (or in my case, took a flying header off my backpack to the hard concrete). Needless to say, it's now not coming back up. So ... I've been thinking for a while about whether an iPod Touch was worth the money, especially since the new 32Gb models were released. However, each time I looked at it and thought about it, I couldn't justify the money, as my old one worked just fine. Well, with the untimely demise of my old iPod, the time finally came to get the 32Gb Touch I wanted. Now, I'm just getting used to it and figuring out how best to make use of the new tool at my disposal. More thoughts on it in the future.